
Child Development (ICDS Project)




There are 3(three) CDPOs under Capital Complex.

  1. CDPO Nirjuli
  2. CDPO Naharlagun
  3. CDPO Itanagar

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Monitoring and supervision of the schemes implemented.
  • Coordinating with other departments and authorities for proper functioning and implementation of programmes.

6 Services provided:

  1. Supplementary Nutrition Programme:
  • Hot Cooked Meal(HCM):-
  • Kichidi (Rice,Dal, M-oil, Iodize Salt ,haldi)
  • Chana
  • Matar
  • Egg
  • Take Home Ration (THR):-
  • Poha
  • Puffed Rice
  • Biscuit
  • Balboug
  • Kheer
  1. Health Check-Up
  • Beneficiaries:
  • Pregnant & Nursing mothers.
  • Children from 0-6 years.
  • Adolescent girls.
  • Women in 15-45 age group.




  1. Non-Formal Pre School-Education.
  2. Nutrition and Health Education.
  3. Immunization
  4. Referral Services.

Schemes Implemented:

  1. Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana

It is a financial benefit Scheme wherein, Rs 5000/- is provided directly to the Bank Account of pregnant and lactating women for first living child to fulfil the conditions relating to maternal and child health.

  1. PoshanAbhiyaan
  • It is an overachieving Scheme for holistic nutrition. It aims to improve nutritional outcome for children, pregnant women and lactating mothers.
  • The scheme is being implemented in convergence with department of Drinking water and Sanitation, health and Panchayati Raj

Objective and features of the scheme: –

  • Anganwadi Workers and supervisors under ICDS is provided with Smart phones, Poshan Tracker Apps.
  • Use of information technology and communication by monitoring of health indicators growth monitoring etc.
  • Village health Nutrition and Sanitation Day (VSHND) at all Villages.
  • Community based events (CBE) Jan Andolan (Peoples movement) for right knowledge on nutrition.
  • Pre-School Education(ECCE)

Services provided under it:

Health Education imparted through conducting village Health Nutrition Day and community-based events.

Schemes of SJETA department implemented by office of the CDPOs

  1. National Social Assistance Programme.
  2. Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme.
  • (Age- 60-79 years).
  1. Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme.
  • (Age 40 years and above).
  1. Indira Gandhi National Disability Pension.
  • (Age 3 years and Above).
  1. National Family Benefit Scheme.


Office Address of CDPO,Nirjuli: CO office, B/Dewa

Contact No:   9402708022 ( TanaChammaro,CDPO, Nirjuli)

Office Address of CDPO,Naharlagun: G-Extension, Damsite Road,Nlg

Contact No:   9856929945 (PonungMoyong,CDPONlg)

Office Address of CDPO,Itanagar: Above Yes bank,Opp Civil Secretariat, Itanagar.

Contact No: 8415925313(Jaya Tana,CDPO, Ita)